Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Submitting Your Personal Branding Project

When submitting your personal branding project, please:

a.) Connect with me on LinkedIn by searching my email address lziskie[at]social-lift.com
b.) Email me your content calendar in excel format to lziskie5228[at]mail.walshcollege.edu
c.) Email me a word doc with screen shots of 3 connections/relationships you've made using social media
d.) Email me a word doc with screen shots of your blog traffic analytics...I'm looking to see how successful you were at driving traffic to your blog.
e.) Email me a link to your branded FB Fan Page. I'm looking to see that you used it by posting on the wall, and uploading pictures to an album.

***All items are due at 6pm on Week 10. No late work will be accepted.

Any questions, let me know! Thanks.


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