Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Semester Blog URLs & Twitter Handles

Babecki, Matthew E. - - @GolfCrazeHelp
Bertges, Nicole T - - @JustAGirlinTheD
Blender, Anita H. - - @yogahipster
Boehler, James E. - - @FilmNerdAlert
Caldwell, Tammy L. - - @movie_faces
Chetcuti, Daniel J. - - @fullcirclelifes
Cooper, Andrew - - @sportsinthe313
Costello, Nancy L. -
Croskey, Brenda L. - @sarcoid_and_me
Doppke, AJ - - @DriveOnAll4
Ferguson, Tracy - - @tracysfoodfavs
Fisher, Jeff - @That_TTM_Guy
James, Eric R. -
Jenkins, Erricka - -@PasSHOEnate 
Lomasney, Carol K. - - @ACreativelySmpl
MacNear, Terri M. - - @T_InTheFastLane
Medvedik, Timothy - - @Movie.Q.Cabinet
Piontkowski, Katy L. - 
Schwandt, Ben - - @skatethed
Sherman, Lisa - - @BeerMeMichigan
Smith, Heather J. - - @DecorSmith
Spasoska, Diana - - @aroundthe_globe
Spranger, Jason M. - - @NoTimeWorkouts
VanSteenkiste, Andrew R. - - @2012TigersTalk
Walters, Cameron P. - - @beadlesCaveman
Wasser, Jeffrey  - - @PyourVision
Williams, Marjo - - @sowdetroit


  1. Whats the best way to find other bloggers on this platform? Maybe its a silly question, but I've tried to find other blogs that are similar to mine and have had no luck. Any tips would be great. :)


  2. I made a facebook group for our class. We really dont have a discussion board or anything to easily communicate with each other. Check it out if your interested, might be a good way to answer each other's questions.
    Here it is:


  3. Quick Question: I added another page to my blog and I'm wondering how to get the same font on both pages. The advanced tab only seems to edit the fonts, color's etc. on the Home page. If anyone can help, I really appreciate it.


  4. Tracy,
    go to the new page and when you are editing it, there will be the option to change the font. Try that hopefully it will work.

  5. I am having trouble getting to the blogs again...I keep getting an anyone else experiencing this?

  6. Hi Lisa! I fixed the hyperlinks to each students blog. Please try again and if you're still having issues... tweet me and let me know.

    ~@LaurenZiskie :)
