Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday April 8, 2012

Hello Everyone!
I hope each of you has enjoyed the weekend! Class WILL BE held this Tuesday, April 10th 2012. Erin Janda Rawlings will be teaching class for me while I'm away on business. She is a professional mommy blogger (also known as lifestyle blogger). Here's a link to her blog:

During Tuesday's class, you will touch on the power of blogging, you will analyze different blogs and look for what is good/bad about certain layouts and features, discuss how to increase your blog traffic and subscribers, and how to write a compelling and engaging blog post. After the lecture, you will head down to the computer lab to learn how to set up your blog, add widgets into the blog, and how to set up a Twitter account.

If after class, you're still struggling setting up your blog or twitter account, please feel free to reach out to me on my cell phone. Leave a message if I don't answer and I will do my best to get back to you in the evening during my travels. I return home Sunday April 15th, 2012.

Lastly, once you have your blog URL and Twitter handle created, please email both of those over to me in ONE email with the subject line:  FIRST NAME_LAST NAME - Blog & Twitter.

Thanks again! I'm looking forward to a great semester!

~Lauren :-)


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